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Statement of Earnings
Statement of Earnings

How do I access and understand my Statement of Earnings?

Updated over a week ago

This page is about understanding and accessing your Statement of Earnings.

You will receive your weekly Statement of Earnings by email on a Tuesday. This email contains a link to your statement.

On this page:

ℹ️ If you have an issue with your Statement of Earnings or haven't received it, check our Earnings FAQs. You can also reach us at, or reply to your Statement of Earnings email.

How do I access historic or Annual Statement of Earnings?

If you need access to historic or Annual Statements where your SendSafely link has expired, please reach out to Please specify exactly which statements you need.

How do I access my latest Statement of Earnings?

  1. You will receive an email on Tuesday which contains a link to your Statement of Earnings.

  2. The link will take you to a verification page. Enter the email address associated with your Stuart account.

  3. You will be sent a verification code. This code expires after 10 minutes.

You will then be able to view your statement. You can also download a copy to your device by selecting the Download icon at the top of the page.

ℹ️ This video will show you how to access your statement if you are still having trouble.

I can’t find my verification code?

  1. Check you have entered the email address associated with your Stuart account.

  2. Check your spam or junk emails.

  3. Check if your verification code has expired. Your code is valid for 10 minutes.

  4. If you still have not received your code after 10 minutes, you can request another one.

I can’t load my statement?

  1. Check the browser and device requirements to ensure compatibility.

  2. Check this FAQ article for help.

Statements sent from July 2021 can be accessed for one year after receiving the link. Statements we sent before this date are only available for 3 months and will expire after this time.

How do I understand my Statement of Earnings?

Weekly Summary

On the first page of your statement, you will see your personal details and the period the statement is for.

We show your total earnings on this page, plus:

  • the number of deliveries completed

It will also contain a summary of your weekly earnings.



Finished Deliveries

Number of completed deliveries

Finished Amount

Total base earnings for completed deliveries (before rewards)

Cancelled Deliveries

Number of cancelled deliveries

Cancelled Amount

Total earnings for cancelled deliveries

MG top-up

Minimum Guarantee top-up


Multiplier earnings

Wait at PU

Waiting time earnings

Delivery Adjustments

Delivery adjustments


Rewards earned

You will also see two boxes about Miscellaneous and Equipment fees:




Other Adjustments

Adjustments added by the Earnings team.

Referrals and Job Specific

Any referral rewards.

Community Rewards

Rewards for being a fleet captain.

Weekly top-up

Weekly-top earnings, see here for more info.





How much has been deducted this week.

Total Paid

The total deposit amount you have paid off so far.


The outstanding amount that is still to be paid.

ℹ️ Related article: Mandatory equipment and cost

Delivery Breakdown

You can now see the details of every delivery you have completed.


When the delivery was accepted.

Delivery ID

The delivery ID number.


Whether the delivery was completed or cancelled. If the delivery was cancelled, this means the client cancelled after 2 minutes. You will receive a cancellation fee.


Per drop earnings from this delivery.

Delivery Adjustment

e.g. If a distance correction was applied by Support.


Multiplier rate active for this delivery.

Multiplier Amount

How much you earned from the Multiplier for this delivery.


Any per drop reward associated with the delivery.

Wait at PU Minutes

How many minutes were applied to your waiting time earnings.

Wait at PU Earnings

How much you earned from waiting time earnings.


Total earnings from this delivery.

Delivery Reward Summary

Your rewards are listed in the Delivery Breakdown and in more detail here in the Delivery Reward Summary. This will include:

  • the date of each reward,

  • the delivery ID the reward was applied to

  • the amount each reward is worth, and

  • the name of the reward.

What is an Annual Statement?

The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) must receive your tax return and any money you owe by the deadline.

To help accommodate this, we send an Annual Statement for the previous tax year in PDF format. This will include an annual summary of your earnings with Stuart. Annual Statements will be sent in the last week of April to the email address linked with your Stuart account.

What will it look like?

The Annual Statement is a document that shows your earnings throughout the last tax year.

The top of your Annual Statement shows the period the summary is for.

How do I understand my Annual Statement?

Above the monthly breakdown is your annual summary:

Total Earnings

Your total earnings for the tax year.

Total VAT

How much of your total earnings for the tax year is VAT.

Total Mileage

The total estimated distance you have covered from pick-up to drop-off for completed deliveries only. This does not include distance adjustments.

Finished Deliveries

The number of completed deliveries.

Cancelled Deliveries

The number of deliveries you were given cancellation fees for.

Monthly Breakdown

The main body of the statement breaks down your earnings throughout the tax year by month. The columns at the top represent the different types of earnings you have made:

Finished earnings

Earnings for finished deliveries.

VAT is included in this total. If you are a VAT registered courier, finished earnings are your base earnings + VAT earnings.

Cancelled earnings

Earnings for cancellation fees.

VAT is included in this total. If you are a VAT registered courier, finished earnings are your base earnings + VAT earnings.

MG top-up

Earnings from Minimum Guarantee top-up.

MISC earnings

Any earnings in the miscellaneous section of your weekly statements. This includes adjustments we have made, PPE refunds, referrals, community rewards or Weekly Top-up.

Reward earnings

Earnings for rewards (including multipliers).

Deposit taken

Negative amounts in this column are for equipment deposits deducted. If there is a positive amount in this column then the equipment deposit has been refunded.

Total earnings

The total earnings for each column (counting all months).

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