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Commission in the Stuart App

This page refers to how the commission that you pay to Stuart on each delivery is calculated and how it is displayed to you.

Updated over 6 months ago

As you know, from the terms & conditions, Stuart takes a commission on each delivery you make as a fee for using the Courier app, putting you in contact with clients, and providing access to your client’s deliveries. The commission is taken from the Delivery Fee that is paid by your clients.

From 26 August 2024, the commission will now be visible to you in your delivery invitation, delivery history, and weekly statement of earnings. It is important to note that the final amount you will receive per delivery will continue to be stated in the delivery invitation.

How will this look in my delivery invitation?

You will continue to earn the amount stated on a delivery invitation. The only change is that there will be a footnote included on every delivery invitation that will state the commission fee that will be deducted. This can be accessed by clicking the arrow which will expand the invitation and provide more information.

The above example is only a mockup and not a real delivery. In this example, the total earnings are £6.48 including the x1.2 multiplier amount. In this instance, the commission amount is £0.14. Commission has always been deducted from the Delivery Fee paid by your clients, and there is no change to the final amount you will receive.

How will this look in my delivery history?

In your delivery history, there will be a breakdown of how your final delivery earnings have been calculated. This will include:

  • Delivery earnings

  • Commission fee deducted

  • Incentives (i.e. Multipliers)

  • VAT (where applicable)

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