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How to respond to difficult situations whilst delivering age-verified orders (Challenge 25)
How to respond to difficult situations whilst delivering age-verified orders (Challenge 25)

Challenge 25 delivery process

Updated over 10 months ago

Table of contents:

Imagine this scenario...

You (or your substitute) are delivering a package and you ask the customer for their ID (as it includes an age-restricted item). As soon as you (or your substitute) ask for the ID, the customer's face changes from a smile 😀 to a frown 😡.

Rings a bell? Because we know situations like this can happen.

So what should you (or your substitute) do if such a situation occurs again?


Stay calm and don’t react

It's important to remain calm and not respond, listen actively to what the customer has to say, even if what they say might sound unreasonable. Rude customers simply need to vent their frustration. Here taking some deep breaths will give you (or your substitute) some time to gather your thoughts.

Reflect back

Demonstrate that you (or your substitute) have taken in what they've said by occasionally reflecting back on their words. They want to know that you're listening to them. For example, use phrases like:

"So, it sounds like you're saying that…"

"What I'm hearing is…"

"Is this what you mean?"

Be aware of your body language during the conversation. Keep your arms unfolded, and maintain appropriate eye contact to demonstrate your open attitude.

Deflect and use flattery

Shift the blame onto the law, by explaining that you (or your substitute) are required by law to ask for ID. Help the customer understand what ID they need to bring. Be complimentary, for example, by telling the customer they look good for their age.

You (or your substitute) are also legally obligated to deny an alcohol delivery to someone who is intoxicated. If you (or your substitute) have to refuse - stay calm and polite.

For example, “Sorry I cannot deliver your order today” – do not say that they are drunk.

Signs of psychoactive substance abuse and/or someone being drunk include:

➡️ Traces or smell of solvents on the customer's clothes or breath

➡️ A drowsy, vacant, glazed expression or red eyes

➡️ Unsteadiness

➡️ Slurred speech, uncontrolled or excessive giggling

➡️ Rowdy or silly behaviour

If they become aggressive, keep at least an arms-length distance between you (or your substitute) and the customer and seek help from Stuart’s customer support team or emergency services.

Stand firm

Sometimes you'll need to be more assertive to get your message across. If the customer is repeating the same points or trying to prevent you (or your substitute) from getting a word in, the time will come when you (or your substitute) have to respond.

Do so clearly and confidently, and address the details of the situation, especially if the customer is saying things that are factually wrong, or asking you (or your substitute) to go against the rules.

If you (or your substitute) fear for your safety, you (or your substitute) should try to remove yourself from the situation. If you (or your substitute) receive abuse or threatening behaviour, make sure you (or your substitute) report it to the CS team via the Stuart app (whilst still on delivery) or you (or your substitute) can also send an email to (when not on delivery).

Taking the order out of the bag should be your last step

In order to complete age verification at the doorstep, it is best to keep the order in your bag until you (or your substitute) are satisfied with the outcome - your verified customer is of the legal age to receive the order.

By doing so, you (or your substitute) will prevent customers from taking an order out of your hands and quickly shutting the door without you (or your substitute) having had the chance to complete the steps in the Stuart app.


The customer is visibly under 25 years of age

"Thank you for raising a concern about the ID check. An ID check is part of the standard process across all age-verified deliveries. Upon evaluation, you look very young to me and I must ensure that an age-restricted item does not get into the hands of someone underage. Without confirming this, I will not be able to give you your item(s) and it will be returned back to the place it has been ordered from".

The customer is asking about the handling of their data

"As a courier, I only need to record your date of birth within the app and will not be able to access it once the delivery is complete. Please refer to the FAQ section of the client you ordered from or contact their customer support who will be able to provide you with more information".


The customer is asking if you (or your substitute) would accept a parent’s or a friend’s ID

"I must ensure that an age-verified item does not get into the hands of someone underage. Hence I must check that you are the person that ordered the item and that the date of birth entered into the app is validated and correct. Without confirming this, I will not be able to give you your item(s) and it will be returned back to the place it has been ordered from".

Will the customer's non-photo ID that has their DOB on it be sufficient?

"Unfortunately it will not be sufficient. I must see an ID that has a picture on it, such as a passport or driving license. I must ensure that you are the person that ordered the item and that the date of birth entered into the app is validated and correct. Without confirming this, I will not be able to give you your item(s) and it will be returned back to the place it has been ordered from".

The customer is saying to you (or your substitute) that they have no valid ID

"I must ensure that you are the person that ordered the item and that the date of birth entered into the app is validated and correct. Without confirming this, I will not be able to give you your item(s) and it will be returned back to the place it has been ordered from".

The customer is asking if they will get a refund for returning the age-restricted item back to the PU

"Yes, you will be refunded by the client. Please refer to the FAQ section of the client you ordered from or contact their customer support who will be able to provide you with more information".


The following framework called ‘STAMP’ can be used to best describe the situation in which a customer can become agitated:

S - STARING - prolonged glaring at you (or your substitute)

T - TONE - sharp, sarcastic, loud, argumentative

A - ANXIETY - flushed face, heavy breathing, rapid speech

M - MUTTERING - talking under breath, criticising

P - PACING - walking around in a confined space


🚶🏢 Calmly leave the situation, property or building if you (or your substitute) feel unsafe, threatened or uneasy at any point and contact CS.

🏙️🛋️ Be aware of your surroundings and have a plan if things escalate.

📟📱 Carry a personal safety device, such as a safety alarm or install a phone app that turns your phone into a safety alarm.


😌 Remain calm

👂 Listen actively

🙉 Don’t take insults personally

🎚️ Pay close attention to your tone

😃 Be understanding and empathetic

📝 Let the customer know you (or your substitute) understand their frustration, however, these are practices in place to ensure age-restricted items do not get into the hands of someone underage

🙏 Thank the customer for voicing their concerns to you (or your substitute)


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