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Chubb - Claims before 25 Aug 2022 ONLY
Chubb - Claims before 25 Aug 2022 ONLY

How to make an accident and income protection insurance claim pre 25/08/2022

Updated over a week ago

The process below is for all claims before 25th August 2022. For all claims after 25th August 2022 please head to here for more information: StuProtect

All claims are handled online, through Chubb's portal:

Key details for filling in the form

  • Policy number: UKBOPD10879

  • What are you in relation to the policy: Policy holder

  • Is the policy holder an individual or a company: Individual

  • Did you suffer illness or injury: Injury

  • What is your occupation: Motor or cycle courier / messenger

  • What is the name of your employer?: Self-employed

Instructions for making a claim

Go to Chubb website and select "Let's get started".

Since you will be claiming for "Accident & Health protection", please have the following documents ready:

- Hospital discharge summary
- Medical reports
- Third party reports
- Medical leave certificates

Select "I'm ready".

At the next window, please read the information provided and select "Got it! Start my claim now". If you are inactive for 20 minutes, you will lose all progress and will have to start again. Please try to complete everything in 1 session.

In the next window, please enter policy number: UKBOPD10879.

You are making this claim on your own behalf.

Who are you in relation to the policy, please answer: "Policy holder".

In the next window, please fill in your information:

  • Full name

  • Date of birth

  • Gender

  • Your home address

  • Whether the policy holder an individual or a company - please answer "Individual".

In the next window you will be asked to provide information as to what happened.

Please be concise and enter the most important details. Please remember you are claiming for "Accident & Health".

When asked "What type of loss are you claiming for", please select "Personal accident/sickness".

Once that is done, you will be shown a list of persons involved. This information forms your claim, please double check that is is all correct. Press continue.

In the next page, please provide the value you are claiming for. If you are not sure on the total value of your claim, please leave the field empty!

Please confirm "No" when asked if you had a claim with Chubb in the past 2 years, unless you already had an accident since the policy started (then choose "Yes").

Click on "Yes" when asked if there was an accident involved.

Next, add the date of the accident, time of the accident and shortly explain where and how it happened.

Next, you have to choose that you suffered an injury.

Next, please choose if you have broken a bone or not.

If you do have a broken bone, please select which bone and what factor caused it.

If no bone was broken, please choose an injury that you suffered.

Next window, it will ask you if your incident resulted in hospitalisation. Please choose no.

It will again ask you more questions about the injury and treating physician.

You will need to provide their full name, if you have the address and phone number, please fill that in as well. It is mandatory to enter the date when the treatment began.

If the person treating you was your general practitioner, please enter the same details below. If the person who treated you is not your general practitioner, please fill in the details of your usual doctor.

Next, when asked what your occupation is, please answer "Motor Cycle Courier / Messenger". When asked what is the name of your employer, please answer "Self-employed". Please fill in your own address and phone number.

After you provided all information, you will be asked to submit pictures.

Please take a high resolution picture, which means it cannot be blurry and needs to be readable!

Lastly, you will be prompted to submit your bank account information, so the insurance company knows which account claim money need to be transferred to. Please double check all digits are correct before submitting!

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