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Banking data

Information notice to be inserted next to your opt-in “Banking data retention”

Updated over 2 years ago

You’re about to enter your bank card number, and we’re obliged to inform you about the processing and use of your personal data.

Stuart uses PCI-DSS-certified service provider Stripe to ensure that your online payments are secure. PCI-DSS is an international security standard aimed at ensuring that cardholder data remains confidential and uncompromised, enabling banking data to be protected during transactions.

When you create your profile on the Stuart Website or App and enter your card details, or you decide to pay for a delivery by card or direct debit, our payment page connects with the Stripe system in real time, collecting your data and carrying out various checks to prevent abuse and fraud.

These data are stored on Stripe’s servers and are not transferred to Stuart’s servers at any time. Stripe requests authorisation from your bank and sends us a transaction number that allows us to carry out the transaction up to the amount authorised.

You may choose to save your bank card details on your online account by ticking the relevant acceptance box, so you don’t need to re-enter your bank details the next time you order. The data will be securely stored with Stripe and retained until you withdraw your consent and/or the bank card expires.

You can view a list of your saved cards with their details hidden as well as delete them in the “Payment method” section of the “Credit card” page within “My account”. If you do this, your deleted cards will no longer appear in your online account or for future orders.

Please note, however, that Stripe keeps the banking data associated with the authorisation number for the time required to carry out the transaction and deal with any complaints (returns, disputes).

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